Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Shelby's 2nd Grade Music Program

Tonight was Shelby's 2nd Grade Music program.  The 2nd and 3rd grades at Oakdale performed Wild Things.  She was a little nervous since she had a speaking part representing her class.
ready to go
 trying to find us in the crowd
 Carson our neighbor on the left
Shelby seems to be enjoying this song
 the whole group
4 classes of 2nd grade and 4 classes of 3rd grade
 Carson's speaking part
Ellie is on his left
(she was a Grumpwart with Shelby this summer)
friend from church

 Below is a video of Shelby reading her part.  You can't hear anything she is saying.  So I posted the words.  This concert was the 3rd and final one.  I thought after the first 2 they would have realized you can't hear anything the individual participants are saying.  Even with a microphone.  Oh well.  She had it memorized but I think it eased her nerves to find that Mrs. Ogdon put the words on the music stand.

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