Sunday, February 12, 2012

Young Authors

The girls participated in their school's Young Author's Competition.  I tried to scan the pages of their books before they were sent to school, but it wasn't working out.  I gave up and just took pictures of each page.  Hopefully you will be able to read the words and see the pictures.  After all the time this took, I feel like now would be a good time to start next year's books!

Shelby's book is about friendship.  She changed her topic several times.  She often comes home from school upset about 1 so called friend or another not being such a great friend.  Trying to get an almost 8 year old girl understand the mentality of an 8 year old going on 5 year old boy is difficult.  I talked her into the friendship topic hoping she'd learn a few lessons herself.  The fairy idea came from her Fiona the Flat Fairy she created with Nonny Martha last summer.  We don't do Flat Stanley her so they treated Fiona like one and took her all over.  She didn't use the actual fairy they created and laminated in the story but did use Fiona as the name of the fairy.  For the names in their stories, I told the girls to pick the name they would like if they were not named Shelby and Morgan.  Shelby went with Zoe and Morgan with Katherine.  This will be a long post with both stories and I'll start with Shelby's.  Enjoy!

Not as clear as I'd like but hopefully you can get an idea of the books.  Now here is Morgan's and what else would she write about other than, a baby doll!

Morgan's dedication page did not come out so good but hopefully you can read it.  There you have it.  My authors.  Glad to be done.  

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