Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Party

The last week of school before break was full of all kinds of fun.  I think the teachers realize little minds are tired and full and are not focused for too much learning.  Morgan's teacher was brave and let them make gingerbread houses.  As she would say, her BFF Kate's mom was nice to send me a picture.
I took a close up of her house when I went to assist with the class party
Class party was Thursday.  Shelby woke up not feeling good but went on to school.  At 11:30 I got a call from the nurse that she needed to come home.  She had a fever and just wasn't feeling good.  I don't think she even cared she was missing her party.
Thankfully Nate was able to come home for a few hours so I could go to Morgan's party as planned.  they did a fun painting project for a craft
some coloring when they were done painting
As the party ended and they headed to art, our first snow began to fall.  I headed down to Shelby's room to drop off the stuff I planned to provide for her party and then Morgan and I headed home early so Nate could go back to work.  Only 1 more day until break!

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