Sunday, March 16, 2014

Upwards Basketball & Cheerleading 2014

Upwards Basketball and Cheerleading is where it appears I need to begin my attempt to get this blog caught up.  Shelby played basketball for the same coach she's had all along and Morgan was a cheerleader on a new team with a new coach.  This was the first year Shelby played in the big high school gym and that was quite an adjustment.  Their team was kind of the underdog being over matched in size and overall experience and ability.  Needless to say, watching her games was enough to give me a heart attack while her dad would sit there and not say a word.  I wasn't able to get any good action shots of her playing.
I think she was doing the Tim Tebow here

 And Morgs looks so cute in a cheerleading uniform and isn't afraid of the crowd at all.  It didn't take long for her to adjust and fit in to her new squad which half of them have been together in the past.

Here is a video of a floor cheer.  Morgan is in the back center.  And in true Morgie fashion ends up on her rear at the end.

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