Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Meet Sloppy Moppy

It has occurred to me that I am behind on a few posts like the girls' birthday party and the end of the HCC baseball season.  I've lacked the brain power and motivation to do it so I'll go with another random post here.  One of these days I'll get back to it.

My Sloppy Moppy.  My Morgs.  This picture is from her 5th birthday party and is one of my favorites that truly defines who she is.
I gave her this new name last week.  I had painted her nails and she kept messing up 1 of them.  Shelby told her she would put the clear top coat on for her when the polish dried.  Morgan responded, "No, you are sloppy"!  I told Morgan, "You are the definition of sloppy"!  She is one interesting little character, a mix of prissy and could care less.
Here are a few examples of could care less:
-  she knows her zipper is down, doesn't care, will not pull it up
-  hair usually looks like she just got out of bed, long front tickles her nose, drives me nuts, she doesn't care
-  leaves a mess wherever she goes
-  uses her clothes as a napkin, everything she wears goes in the wash
-  feet get so dirty only the chlorine of a public pool can get them clean
-  food all over the table & floor where she sits.  Any dog would be in heaven.  Too bad we don't have one!
Now for the prissy:
-  she hates to get her hands dirty or sticky
-  she will drop food because she is trying to balance it on her fingertips
-  goes through tons of napkins
-  doesn't want her food touching on her plate
-  refuses to use the same utensil for more than one item on her plate (if you challenge her on this she will say, "You know how I operate")
These are just a few of the things off the top of my head that describe my complicated Sloppy Moppy.  She sure makes things of ordinary life more interesting!

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