Wednesday, July 25, 2012

T-ballers vs. Parents/Siblings

At the last T-ball practice they play a game with the players against parents & siblings.  Nate & Shelby participated while I tried to take pictures.  Most of them did not come out because Shelby's new friend Wayne kept getting in the way.  I'll post what I got.
making a circle for stretching
 arm circles
 leg stretches
 the race
Shelby got 2nd, Morgan 3rd (she is hidden by the coach)
 Daddy waiting to field Morgan's hit
 blurry pic but she's actually running!
 Shelby playing the field
 Daddy hitting to Morgan
 beat him to the bag Morgs!
 Shelby takes a big swing
 Shelby beating up the T
 good game everyone
 Morgan had a lot of fun with her coaches
Bailey, Michelle (called her Seashell), Brad, Dan (she called him Stanley)
Michelle coached T-ball when Shelby played.  I remember Brad trying to stay awake on Saturday mornings keeping the clock at Parks N Rec basketball when Shelby was in 1st grade.  Nate knew Dan from high school baseball.  He played for Normal Community.

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