Friday, December 30, 2011

Celebrating Christmas - Part 5 - the 4 of us

I'm finally getting back to the blog to post about our family Christmas.  By the time I did the 3 Greenville Christmas celebrations, I was too tired mentally to do another.  I think it was the first time since we have had kids and maybe the second time since we have been married, that we were here at our house on Christmas Day.  Anticipating this I was excited.  Looking back on it, not so much.  We were sooo tired from our weekend and getting home late, it zapped some of the fun and joy this day should bring.  We didn't get home from Greenville until 9:30 or so.  Thankfully, Shelby's new DVD kept them awake.  Shelby didn't fall asleep at all and Morgan only slept the last 10 or 15 minutes of the trip.  However, since we were traveling on Christmas Eve, there was no place open on the trip home to grab a bite to eat.  So they needed a little something before they went to bed.  This made the 3rd night in a row of going to bed late and getting up early.  Since they needed baths before church, I had already decided we would wait until after church to open our gifts.  If we had time they could look at the stocking gifts, but we didn't even get to that.  Thankfully once the little peeps got to bed it didn't take them long to fall asleep.  I stayed up and filled the stockings and carried the gifts up under the tree.  I tried a little harder this year than in the past to make it look like Santa had come.  But in reality, they really didn't care.  They each had 2 gifts from Santa.  I am left handed so I wrote the names with my right hand.  Morgan thought Santa had sloppy handwriting.  Shelby thought Morgan had done the writing.  After they opened the gifts they would ask me where I found it.  I had to catch myself and say, "Didn't Santa bring you that?"

stockings are filled   
 gifts are under the tree
this Santa is ready for bed!
 Shelby's first reaction
 this is what 3 days of messed up sleep looks like
checking things out 
 stocking diggers

 ready for church
 finally able to smile
ready to open
  Morgan's gift to Shelby
working hard at unwrapping something
 1 of the gifts Shelby gave to Morgan

 an indoor basketball hoop

 Santa brought Shelby a Fairy Design Kit

 lost our smile somewhere along the way

putting the hoop together

  excited about something

 Shelby got a sewing machine
not sure what Santa was thinking
 a digital thermometer
now she can look at this every morning before school
so she'll know the answer to the weather questions
 our little cook got a toaster, blender & food scale
for her kitchen

final gifts are for sharing
a roll of blank paper for drawing

Those are some of the highlights.  Hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone.

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