A Whale of a Tale
by Morgan
(This little gem was written at school)
One day Trey my pet goldfish was dancing! Wow! I thought Amazing! Everyday twenty four seven he dances. I am glad I have a goldfish but probably not all goldfishes can do this I said. One week later Trey was practicing. He was doing a flip and he fell on his side and broke his fin. Crash. :( I was really scared and for a moment I didn't remember where the fish hospital in Seafood Island was. Then I remembered! :) I rushed him to the fish hospital and they checked X-rays on his fin and they said he broke it. He got it off 6 weeks later and started dancing! Then we went home. By the way we live behind the coral. But he was as sad as a dancer that couldn't dance because he couldn't be in the Seafood Island talent show.