Tuesday, December 23, 2003

It's A ........

My December appointment was when we found out the sex of the baby.  Nate only attended the appointments for the first heartbeat and the ultrasound that would answer that big question.  I remember laying on that table while Dr. Nord was doing his thing.  Finally, he said, "It's a.....GIRL!"  I looked over at Nate and he was sitting there in a slight state of shock.  What I liked about Dr. Nord was he pointed out what told him the baby was a girl.  It wasn't a process of elimination because of what was lacking.  He pointed out 3 white lines that told him it was a girl.  So I went ahead and planned for a girl with no second thoughts of, "what if he was wrong?"  Dr. Nord left the room and Nate finally spoke.  He said, "What am I going to do with a girl?"  I couldn't think of a better Christmas present myself.

Shelby's First Picture

Monday, December 15, 2003

4 Months....

Once I started to "show", I had Nate take my picture the same day I had a doctor's appointment.  If memory serves me right (and the Christmas decorations in the picture), December was the first picture.  That put me at 4 months.  No longer have any idea the number of weeks that was.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Doctor Confirmation

Well, I had my confirmation from God, next I needed to visit the doctor.  Following a simple urine sample test, Dr. Nord confirmed I was pregnant!  FINALLY!!  I don't remember the exact amount of time that passed from when Nate agreed to add kids to our family and when it actually happened.  It was about 18 months.  Which seemed like a lifetime.  I didn't tell Nate I'd taken the tests at home and I hadn't told him I was going to the doctor.  I do remember I was resting on the couch when he got home from baseball practice and he asked me what was up?  I said, "I'm pregnant".  He said, "Says who"?  I said, "The doctor."  I don't remember too much from the early days in the pregnancy.  I was never sick but I was tired.  Somehow I made the 30 minute trip home from work.  Sleeping through most of it.  I'd open the door from the garage and crash on the couch.  Nate would come home later and say, "I knew I'd find you there".  I was given a due date of May 11, 2004.

A Sign

I don't remember all the details of what happened next. I do remember some time had passed, and circumstances led me to take a pregnancy test. I can still see in my mind the positive test result, but that line was so faint, I just wasn't sure if I could believe it! I didn't say anything to Nate. The next day I went to work as usual. At the Telephone Company, we at times were the recipients of some bakery items from the B/N grocery stores. A lady in Gridley would come down and ask for the items that were scheduled to be tossed out. Nothing wrong with them, shelf time was up. She would bring them to us at the office to enjoy. A small kitchen area was outside the women's restroom and this is where such treats would be left. On this particular day, I had taken a potty break. While in the restroom, I remember praying and asking God for a sign. Was I pregnant or not? I wanted a confirmation before getting in to see the doctor. When I came out of the restroom, there on the counter was a cake that had just been dropped off. The cake said, "Welcome Baby"! It was a baby shower cake. Prior to that day, we had never had a baby cake. I am willing to bet they never had another one either. That cake was there for 1 reason. God's answer to my prayer! :)

Monday, September 1, 2003

Unknown Blessing

We continued down the path of trying to become parents and began seeking a little assistance. I had a test done to make sure I didn't have any problems. Things checked out OK. Next, we did 1 attempt at artificial insemination. After going through that experience, I seriously have no idea how that works for anyone. Needless to say, it didn't work for us. Check another month off the calendar. By now, it is probably sometime in September of 2003. I had another appointment at the doctor for a sonogram to see if I was ovulating. The test showed it was not a good time to try another round of AI. I was frustrated because I figured with my "schedule", it was too early and this sonogram was just a waste of time and money. They had drawn some blood at this appointment. A few days later I received a phone call and they said my blood work showed I had already ovulated that month. Already?!? Keep in mind I thought it was too early. Another example of how messed up my cycle was and mentally exhausting this can be. That is all the blood work showed. So, what's next? Hurry up and wait for another month....

Thursday, August 14, 2003

The Beginning of the End

I had convinced Nate that it was time to add children to our family. We hadn't talked a lot about kids before we got married. We didn't rule out kids, but we were in no hurry which was fine since we had married at a young age. We eventually learned as with everything in life, we really weren't in control like we thought we were. Looking back, God has shown me that His timing for adding kids was way better than any plan I had come up with. However, at the time I became frustrated and emotionally drained when "nothing was happening". We were unsuccessful after trying for 1 1/2 years.
In the summer of 2003, Nate coached a collegiate baseball team called the Twin City Scrappers. At the beginning of August they qualified to play in the World Series in Ohio. I made plans with Nate's dad & step mom to make the trip to Ohio to watch. Nate was not aware of this but I had let our friends the Bertas know who would be there to watch their son play. I was at work at the Telephone Company when my phone rang and the caller id said a dentists' name. I answered and Ray (Berta) was on the other end. He informed me he was with Nate and that he had been hit in the mouth when the baseball came through the screen in the batting cage. The ball split his lower lip and and messed up his two front teeth on the top. One was 1/2 gone and the other was bent back to the roof of his mouth. A plastic surgeon had stitched up his lip at the ER and this dentist cleaned up the teeth, pulling out the 1 that was bent back. He left the partial tooth in for the time being. He remained in Ohio to coach and we made the trip out to cheer them on. I remember seeing him for the first time. He looked like he had been in a fight with a baseball and the ball won! During some free time we had gone to the mall and many heads turned to stare. He was quite the site. :) The team lost a couple of games and we headed back to IL. Season over.
Ray hooked Nate up with a good dentist in town and he had an appointment on my birthday (August 14th). He had the remaining part of his other tooth pulled that day. After work, we went out for supper and returned home and finished our celebrating. (I'll keep the blog clean and you can fill in the blanks). :)