Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Funny Conversation

One of the funniest things that goes on between Shelby and Morgan is when little sis bosses or corrects big sis and she doesn't understand that usually little sis shouldn't be telling her what to do. She puts up with it and actually does what she says for the most part.

Here is another funny chat:

Shelby: "What do you have in your cup Morgie?"
Morgan: "It's called medicine." (With that "dah" tone of voice). :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Big Now!

Before I went to Florida, I told Morgan when I came home she could have a big girl bed. My original plan was to set up the twin bed that used to be in the spare room that became Shelby's. Instead I decided to start her out in a toddler bed. I headed out Sunday night to buy it and put it together so she could sleep in it that night. When I put her down in the bed she said, "This is just perfect". It was so cute. She stays in it all night and sleeps great. It's funny because although she has the ability to get out of her room, she stays in the bed and yells when she is ready to get up. Just like she always did in the crib. She's loving it but I'm sorry to say this is just another thing big sister is having a hard time dealing with! Morgan is telling everyone, "I have a big girl bed. I'm big!" I plan to paint it white when grandma can come for a visit.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pet Request

This morning on the news we saw a baby giraffe that was born at a zoo on the east coast. Shelby thought he was sooooo cute. These are the comments that followed:

Shelby - "I want that baby giraffe for a pet. I'll forget about the stinkin cat."
Mom - "Not this week sister".

Bedtime Prayer

Last night I was saying a bedtime prayer with Shelby. We usually cover the same things: thank you for her, help her sleep well and not dream, help her stay warm...... Last night at the end I added: "Please help Shelby to be a good girl and listen the first time." When we were done she said, "You didn't have to say that about being a good girl and listening". She said this with a disgusted sort of tone of voice! :) I told her yes I did because she needs the help.

Support the Green

I changed my background to St. Patrick's Day to celebrate the Irish in me. My grandma Mosley was 100% Irish so I like to remember her by supporting some green in March. Happy St. Patty's everyone!