Monday, July 29, 2013

Morgan's Preball Season

This summer Morgan played Preball Softball which is Coach Pitch.  Can't say she loved it, I'm not sure I'd even say she liked it.  Thankfully this summer has not been unbearably hot like last year, otherwise I think she would have complained more.  She practiced from 5-6 on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Games were played on Saturday mornings.  Score was not kept.  All players bat before taking their turn in the field.  Pretty sure the game moved way too slow for this one's liking.  She says she is taking next summer off but I am going to sign her up for the instructional level in the league Shelby plays in.  This is also coach pitch but I hope she can get a better feel for the sport to make a more accurate decision if she wants to continue to play it or not.  Here she is before her first game.
 the Royals
at least 3 girls were missing on this photo day
she is the cool one wearing the shades in the front row
I must say I agree with my girl and I am not sad to see this particular season come to an end.

Beauty is Exhausting!

This beauty queen fell asleep on the job while waiting for her nails to dry.  She has played hard every day this summer it seems, and I'm afraid it is going to catch up to her.  Right about the eve of August 20th - the end of the first day of school!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

She is Somethin'

I have a few pictures to post so any blog readers out there who haven't seen me know I am still alive. So busy and so much to record here.  Hopefully one of these days I will get caught up!
Here is a picture of Shelby I took on my phone while eating out so it is a little dark.  She found something new to use for a mustache.
A few posts ago I showed the picture of her petting the baby alligator at the library.  Most of you probably have not met Shelby's stuffed alligator her dad bought for her (add it to the list of why she loves him more than me :)).  Introducing Mr. Croc.  Yes you read that right.  An alligator named Mr. Croc.
Let me tell you how many times Mr. Croc has given this mother heart failure!  I will walk into their bathroom and there he is taking up the entire floor.  On the night of the taking of this picture, I was going up to bed.  Shelby's room is at the top of the stairs and I about fell back down them when this is what I caught out of the corner of my eye!  Every 9 year old girl has a life sized alligator as a guard outside their door, right???  Thankfully Mr. Croc is safely locked in his cage in Shelby's room.  It is a huge box I brought home for her and he barely just fits in and the box barely fits in Shelby's little room.
When Nate and I were in OK for the World Series, she took Mr. Croc with her on the road to Grandma's house.  The first place they went when they got there was to a graduation party for her step-cousin Allie.  Shelby asked Nate's mom if Papa Jay had any ties?  Can you believe she wanted a tie for Mr. Croc to wear to the party?!?  Papa Jay is such a good sport.
Mr. Croc has on a tie that you can see is hanging down and Papa is holding on to its leash.  I guess if I am not going to let the kid have a real pet, I will have to put up with stuff like this!
In other random news, the girls got their hair cut on Sunday.  I don't have a picture yet to prove how nice Shelby's looks.  She got a few inches cut and all the scraggly end pieces are gone.  It helped the natural body/wave come alive a bit.  Last night she was sitting in the chair and for once she had it down and not pulled back into a pony tail (a daily battle between us).  Her hair was laying so nice framing her face and she looked so grown up.  I told her how pretty she looked with her hair down like that. Only time will tell if she took that to heart, cause what do moms know right?!?    

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

She Never Ceases to Amaze

I am not sure who started the mustache craze or when.  It caught Shelby's eye at her Valentine's Day class party when a classmate gave everyone a stick on stache.  Remember these?:
We were reminded about all the mustache business the other night when I had the girls out shopping at Justice and the store is full of the silly things.  Yesterday we ran a bunch of errands after my haircut and then I tried to catch a quick snooze before Morgan's softball practice.  Shelby was busy with paper, scissors and a black marker.  I woke to this scene:
What can you do but laugh, right?!?  When I got home from work today she had made another, even bigger one.  I told her the mustache was a little big.  She replied in a funny male voice something about going to see a barber for a trim.  She wore the mustache to Morgan's practice yesterday but I told her today she could not wear it to Walmart - although chances are you could find many more strange things there than a girl wearing a paper mustache.  Silly girl.