Monday, September 1, 2003

Unknown Blessing

We continued down the path of trying to become parents and began seeking a little assistance. I had a test done to make sure I didn't have any problems. Things checked out OK. Next, we did 1 attempt at artificial insemination. After going through that experience, I seriously have no idea how that works for anyone. Needless to say, it didn't work for us. Check another month off the calendar. By now, it is probably sometime in September of 2003. I had another appointment at the doctor for a sonogram to see if I was ovulating. The test showed it was not a good time to try another round of AI. I was frustrated because I figured with my "schedule", it was too early and this sonogram was just a waste of time and money. They had drawn some blood at this appointment. A few days later I received a phone call and they said my blood work showed I had already ovulated that month. Already?!? Keep in mind I thought it was too early. Another example of how messed up my cycle was and mentally exhausting this can be. That is all the blood work showed. So, what's next? Hurry up and wait for another month....

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