Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have probably posted in the past about the 2 neighbor boys, Carson and Henry. Carson is Shelby's age and Henry is about 6 months older than Morgan. Carson and Shelby were in preschool together last year, are currently in WeeBall together and will head off to kindergarten in the fall. I am not sending Morgan to 3 year old preschool this fall, but she will catch up with Henry there when they are four. We have a little playhouse in the backyard that is used as a sitting post to call the boys out or talk to them when they are out playing (there is a fence that keeps them from being on one side or the other all the time). I think my girls would be over there more because they have a better swing set with a slide and tire swing. :) The other place they like to chat with them is through the windows of the front room of their house. I have a couple of pictures of the two just waiting on the boys. Morgan is up on the house top and Shelby took her lawn chair over and parked it in their yard and sat with a book and waited for Carson to come to the window. I have childhood memories but I don't believe any of them include boys at that age! We're doomed.....

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