Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all my blog readers! Last night I painted the girls' finger nails and toe nails. This is not a real treat for me as it is time consuming and frustrating when they do not hold still and smudge them up before they are dry. I rarely paint finger nails because it only lasts a day or two. But they were both very excited so I guess it was worth it. After they went to bed I pressed their new dresses for church this morning. About 3:30 yesterday afternoon Morgan said her head hurt. I rocked her and she fell asleep. When she woke up she had a fever of 102.5. I gave her some meds and she seemed OK at bedtime. As I was preparing for bed at midnight she came into my room. Fever was up again so I gave her more meds and put her back to bed. About 12:30 she was standing next to my bed saying her stomach hurt. I told her to go into my bathroom. I found her there on the floor asleep. I took her back to her room and it seemed as she might get sick. So I grabbed her garbage can and she unloaded everything she had and then some! Finally got her back to bed. I have no idea what time she was back in my bed again but it was a sleepless night for us both. I heard Shelby rise and shine and head downstairs. I had to get to her before she found her basket. For some reason kids don't understand a parent's need to get pictures or to share in the moment of these annual events. She was disappointed she had to wait for Morgan to get up and for me to take a shower. Finally it was time. They always go first to the places they found their baskets last year. Almost like they think that silly rabbit has no creativity. Morgan found her basket behind the recliner. Shelby found hers hiding on the side of the china cabinet in the dining room.
Shelby had to take everything out of her basket and sort it into piles before she could open the gifts. When she was done she neatly stacked all the goodies on top of the basket. Morgs on the other hand threw all her stuff in and put the basket grass on top! More to come on Shelby's developing traits of organization and perfection in a later post.

Shelby and her highlight of the day - Barbie's new DVD.

Morgan and her new book about whey we have the cross.
Here are the girls in their pretty dresses.
Since Morgan was sick I convinced her to put her dress on for some photos and they she put her jammies right back on. She and daddy stayed home from church. Late afternoon we are going to head out to eat since she seems to be feeling better. Happy Easter!

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