Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Add it to the List!

Over the weekend, I think Morgan experienced her latest injury, a minor concussion. Nate was in TN all of Saturday and Sunday with his ball team. Friday night I started some much needed cleaning and put out the first of some fall decorations. This continued all weekend. On Sunday, the girls and I stayed home from church since it was the annual picnic. I did not have the desire to chase them around on my own and keep them from falling into Comlara Lake where the picnic was held. Instead I continued to clean and started on the hard wood floor. Every time I get into that task I remember why I don't do it often enough! The girls for the most part played nicely together all weekend, allowing me to get a ton of laundry done along with the , cleaning/decorating. On Sunday afternoon while changing a load of laundry, Morgan comes to the basement crying. Shelby had knocked her off of her bed and she hit her head on the side of the dresser. She did have a small goose egg forming when I checked. Soon she was back saying she had a head ache and her stomach hurt and she felt like throwing up. I sent her back upstairs to lay down on the couch while I took some clothes upstairs to put away. When I came back downstairs, I found her kneeling in front of the toilet. I asked her if she wanted a bucket and she said no. 30 seconds later she is sick. The positive side of having a kid who has vomited a lot, they know what is coming. I appreciated her making it to the toilet instead of my clean floor. :) She did feel better after that and acted like her normal crazy self, so we didn't seek any medical assistance. I truly don't think our insurance company wants to see our name on an ER bill any time soon!

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