Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish, Three Fish No More!

What is the first thing one needs to do when they get home after a 21+ bus trip from Florida?  For me, it is use the potty.  When we got home 2 weeks ago, grandma and the girls were not here.  I headed straight to the bathroom and lifted the lid.  And to my dismay, there was a dead goldfish looking at me!  I screamed, dropped the lid and yelled for Nate to come flush so I could use it!  Point number 1 as to why I didn't want a fish for a pet - I can't even flush a dead one!  The girls were given the goldfish at the park on Saturday from someone that had a birthday party.  They each named it.  Shelby called it Goldie and Morgan named it Helmoot.  I must say I was thankful that I was not home on Sunday morning when Shelby came down to find the fish had jumped out of the bowl overnight and was hard as a rock on the counter top!  That is the story of fish one.  They were not home when we got here because they were out shopping for a new fish.  This time they picked out a Beta they named Blue Eyes.  Keep in mind this was Sunday.  I went out of town on Friday to Milwaukee for my Bible Study Leader's Retreat.  Ashley was going to be watching them on Saturday & Sunday and I asked her to change the water in the bowl.  Well I got a text from Nate early Saturday that said they changed the water on Friday night and old Blue Eyes was dead in the morning.  Why doesn't anyone listen to the mom???  They claimed the water was too stinky and they couldn't wait another day.  I suggested they stop sticking their nose in the bowl and it wouldn't smell so bad.  So instead of changing the water for Blue Eyes, Ashley took them shopping for fish three.  They flipped a coin and Morgan got to pick it out.  They brought home another blue beta and named it Rainbow Eyes.  Fish one didn't make it a day.  Fish two didn't last a week.  Good luck Rainbow Eyes.   I really don't know if there will be a number 4............

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