Friday, July 13, 2012

She Likes to Snuggle

I walked out of the shower this morning to find this.
Most nights, Morgan ends up in our bed sometime in the early morning hours.  Thank God for a king size bed!  Although it really doesn't matter how big the bed is, the girl likes to lay
 C-L-O-S-E!!!  This morning she yelled for daddy to come get her from her bed.  They relocated for a little more shut eye.  I've trained her to just crawl in somewhere, don't wake me up first!  That is why at 4:30 this morning when someone was tapping my shoulder I growled, "Morgs!!!" and the reply I got was "It's me, Shelby".  (Keep in mind I am legally blind without corrective lenses.  Not to mention I was actually asleep which most of the night I am not).  She was dreaming and wanted me to lay down with her.
It wouldn't be so bad to have the girl in bed snuggling, if she could just LAY STILL!!!

Oh, and if you are interested in a tan like Nate's, you can get one scouting baseball games. :)

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