Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Great Pumpkin......Vine!

On the last day of school in May, Shelby's teacher gave each student in her class a pumpkin seed in a paper cup.  She had 1 left so she gave it to Morgan.  We put them in the window in the living room for a while before planting them outside.  Shelby's grew quite a bit in the cup but Morgan's was barely surviving the near drowning it experienced from her over watering it.  I eventually got them planted in the back yard.  I used paint stir sticks to mark them, so they were not mistaken for weeds.  Then when we had the fence installed, they were pretty upset because they didn't look so good after being stomped on for a day.  I'm not sure at what point they just took off but as you can see, we have a wild couple vines!  I'm not sure either 1 is going to produce a pumpkin even though there have been a lot of flowers.  Shelby's is the bigger one growing into the grass and Morgan's is growing towards the corner of the fence.  How do you like the new fence?  It looks so much better than the old one.  Speaking of looking better, the grass is green again!  I wasn't sure we would see that again before spring.  Maybe some of the rain we have been getting will help grow us a pumpkin.  I know 2 little people who would love that!

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