Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Busy Momma!

If you have been reading this blog for awhile, you have seen other posts of our little Momma Morgan. She loves her babies and plays with one or all of them at some point every day. We have many battles of taking or leaving baby in the van at various places. When she is playing Momma she is a "grown-up" and her name is Mrs. Britnell. Although this one is pretty creative, she didn't just come up with that name on her own. Mrs. Britnell (Nicole) is a friend of ours and Morgan's past Toddler Church teacher. Nicole obviously made an impact on this girl! It is hard to know whom I am dealing with. If I call her Morgan I get a frustrated response, "I'm not Morgan, I'm Mrs. Britnell"! If I call her Mrs. Britnell I will hear, "I'm Morgan now"! All this might explain why I don't sleep at night! I am including some random pics of the girl in her element.
Momma just before baby's arrival
At the hospital after baby's arrival
Baby all loaded in the back of her car
Momma & baby getting gas
The other day she said they were coming to visit me in Minnesota. I think I counted 7 kids on this trip. The couch is her van. Note the green piano. That was that baby's bed. I guess in any family with 7 or more kids you may not know from night to night what you could be sleeping on! And a smiling momma on a trip with 7 mean success!

On the road
The crew. I can't begin to remember all of their names!
As I said before, this one will either have no kids or a ton. Time will tell!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

I love it! Miss Morgan made quite the impression on me too! Love the van-she is so creative. And she already knows that baby's need to face backwards in the car!

(Mrs. Britnell)