Friday, August 6, 2010

Haircuts 2 & 1

While we were back home for the Johnson Family Picnic (future post), Shelby and Morgan got haircuts. This was Shelby's second haircut and the first for Morgan. My aunt Suzie owns a salon in Arizona and she gave Shelby her first haircut 2 years ago when she was home for a visit. So I guess you can say up to this point she is the only one I have trusted to cut their hair! We stuck around after the picnic and she was gracious enough to cut hair on her vacation. Luckily my mom has a pair of hair cutting scissors since Suzie only had carry-on luggage so she couldn't bring hers along. For whatever reason I don't have a final cut pic of Shelby but I'd say she got a good 6 inches cut off of hers.
a few inches gone & taking off a few more
Standing Still......
Morgan you are such a great help!
Morgan's hair is a little thicker than Shelby's so Suzie cut hers in 2 layers. It was soooo hard for her to hold still for this!
Ready to cut the first layer stand still!!!

Morgan no longer has to have her hair pulled up to go potty! That gives you a good idea of how long it was. Shelby would have been happier with a few more inches off and no curls or new hair growth in the front. Already at 6 she wishes her hair could be like someone else's. At least her American Girl Doll Emily anyway.

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