Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Toothless Shelby!

Shelby pulled out her first loose tooth today! She has been saying for awhile that is was wiggly. On Sunday I took them to Subway for lunch and it started to bleed while she was eating her ham and cheese. She ate an apple in the afternoon but in it stayed. She would wiggle it a little but wouldn't let anyone near her to help. Another first, yesterday she woke up with pinkeye. The good mother I am I sent her to school as we've never had it before so I really didn't know if it was that or maybe something as a result of rolling around in the grass the night before. She was fine when she went to bed. I got a call from the school around 12:30 and I picked her up. We saw the doctor in the afternoon and got some meds. She had to wait 24 hours before going back to school so she was home today. I told her she needed to make it her goal to get that tooth out. She didn't want to lose the tooth at home because she thought she would get a special necklace if she lost it at school. I had mentioned that to the nurse on the phone yesterday. She is the one who gives these necklaces out. She said she could bring in the tooth and still get the necklace. So it looks like the tooth fairy doesn't have to make an appearance until tomorrow night. She was getting pretty impatient as she is one of the few left her age to loose one. I told her since she was almost a year old before she got a tooth, it would be awhile before she lost one. Now the wait is on until the next one.

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