Friday, April 8, 2011

Unfortunately for you, we do not have a dog!

I didn't think to blog about this until this morning because I really didn't find too much humor in it until then. I also wanted Shelby to have this some day when her own children cause her grief. I was talking to one of Shelby's BSF leaders this morning at out leaders meeting. She was saying how they missed her on Monday night (she was home with pink eye) and that they always notice when she's gone. That led me to tell her about last night. I made chicken parmesan for supper with tortellini on the side. The chicken was from Schwan's which is very good (and expensive) I might add. Shelby has a problem with sauce. The only sauce she will eat is on a pizza and I truly think the kind of pizza sauce will determine if she likes a certain brand of pizza. I use Prego spaghetti sauce. It doesn't get much sweeter than that. I for one do not like tomatoes so I do not like sauce that tastes like them. Shelby ate the tortellini, about 3 pieces of garlic bread and 10 carrots before we took those things off the table and away from her. She was going to eat this chicken! Nate and Morgan went upstairs and I was washing the dishes. Nate had reheated the chicken and Shelby was still at the table trying to figure out a way to eat it. She claimed she really had to go potty. (It never helps when they think you are a complete idiot). Been there before. She goes to the bathroom and spits out the chicken. I told her she could wet her pants since she still needed a bath and clean pj's. A bit later I look and she is bent over backwards on her chair. I keep washing dishes. Then it sounds like she said something, but no, nothing. Soon the chicken is gone. Nate comes down and she tries to give him a high five (for eating the chicken) but struggles because she has a fist full of chewed up chicken. That would be the sound I heard when I thought she was talking. I give her a small scolding for wasting the expensive chicken but at this point am rather tired of dealing with it. I finish up with the dishes and head over by the table to straighten up. By her chair I see 1 piece of chicken. My eyes wander over to the other side of the table (where Morgan sits) and what do I see??? Several pieces of chicken! I know for a fact that Morgan ate her chicken and all she dropped was 1 tortellini. That explained the back bend on the chair. She was throwing her chicken over to Morgan's side of the table! I've quickly gone from tired to just plain mad and told her to pick it up. She could dust the dirt and hair off of it but she was going to eat it! I said, "Unfortunately for you, we do not have a dog to eat that before I find it"! The crazy thing is she ate that chicken with no complaint or problem. Maybe I need to roll all of her food on the floor before putting it on her plate. She didn't seem to mind at all!

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