August 14, 2011
Hi! I'm Shelby! Let me tell you about my life. Age 7, well for now! That's the thing. Pepole like to ask you questions. Like, what you whant to be when you grow up? Speeking of what you whant to be when you grow up! I'll tell you what I whant to be when I grown up! A Joronlust (journalist) and a artest (artist)! Right know we are at my grandmaws heding to Pizza Hut for my mom's birthday! She's turning 37! We've been hear since Monday. And we did a lot of other fun things to! like, we went horseback riding tuseday, wensday we went to go eat lunch with my great granpaw, friday we went to Dubuque to a aqewerum, Monday we went on the trail and saw lots of BUGS! ew! Saturday we went to the carnival! Sunday we went to the Childruns theater. And tomorrow we are heding home! Well thats my life! Yo'll be hering more of me! See ya!
I thought it was fun to see at 7 what she wants to be when she grown up. I also love how they spell by the way words sound. She had all the things right that we did on our week vacay even if she didn't put the days in order. And in her book she drew a heart for the dot on every exclamation point. Hope you got a smile out of this piece of Shelby's mind!