Saturday, September 10, 2011

A New Soccer Season!

Both girls are playing soccer this year. Today was their first game. I was impressed by both of their performances. You have to sign up for the fall season in March. Waaaaaay back in March, Morgan said she would play. So I signed her up and we didn't talk about it. Shelby also said in March she wanted to play again, so I signed her up. Then Shelby played the current season's spring schedule in miserable weather. She didn't want to play again but too bad, she was already signed up. This summer while playing outside, I told Morgan she needed to get the soccer ball out and practice kicking it around. She said, "I'm not playing soccer." I said, "Oh yes you are!" So I started to debate whether or not I should pull her out as I could get a refund before August 1. Also, they took a dance class this summer that they enjoyed and if we were playing soccer, they would not be able to fit another dance class in the schedule until next summer. But she decided she wanted to play so here we are.The pee-wee's play 3 on 3. It is easier to take pictures of a soccer game while they are warming up so that is what these are from. I did have some video but I had issues trying to upload them so they will have to wait for another post.

Morgan scored a goal and did pretty good once she figured out her team needed to go the opposite direction of the opponent! The other team had a girl that had to be playing soccer when she exited the womb and her dad thought she was playing in the Olympic games. Not to mention they were decked out in Illini orange complete with lawn chairs. That just added to the annoyance! Morgan said she had fun and wanted to play again next year!Morgan's game was bright and early at 8:30 and Shelby didn't play until 1:30. Considering the soccer fields are about as far away on the other side of town from our house as we can get, this is not very convenient. But what can you do, but waste a bunch of gas?Shelby also scored a goal and the most impressive thing is she asked to play the entire game! Last year she was volunteering to be the player to sit out. Her face was so red but she was having fun and playing aggressive. Let's hope that continues!
The only good part about where the fields are located is, the airport runways are just on the other side of the soccer complex. If all else fails, you can always watch airplanes land and take off. I took this picture this spring during one of Shelby's freezing cold, windy games. You can tell by the sky that the day wasn't too pleasant. There were 1 or 2 games this spring the weather was so bad the planes were not flying. The weather is not good enough to fly an airplane but we will play soccer. They'll play in anything. Well, anything but lightening that is!

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