Friday, January 13, 2012

All Positions Covered

Morgan started complaining about her throat hurting towards the end of last week.  On Saturday at Shelby's basketball game (yet to be posted), I had a nurse friend of mine take a look.  She said it was pretty red and suggested she drink some hot tea or hot chocolate.  She likes tea although the smell of it can make me gag.  After several mugs of the stuff she wasn't getting any better.  On Sunday morning, I was scheduled for church nursery in the first service so I was up and showered.  I really had a hard time getting her going and then she couldn't eat her breakfast.  Since Nate was in CA, I couldn't leave her behind and take Shelby with me.  So I called a friend I could switch nursery weeks with and we stayed home.  I put her back to bed and she eventually ate some oatmeal to satisfy the tummy.  Her throat is still just red by the end of the weekend.  Monday morning I had to drag her out of bed again.  She had been up in the night gagging and had the same problem when she got up.  I took Shelby to school and made a Drs. appointment for Morgan after finding red spots in her throat.  I was actually thankful the strep test came back positive because I don't know how many mugs of tea it would have taken to get rid of that sore throat!

At the doctor's office, Morgan soaked up everything going on around her (as usual).  At home in the afternoon, she wanted to know what was on the papers I had to fill out.  I explained all the information and she wanted some sheets of paper to put on her clipboard.  I wrote out 1 with patient and insurance info and then she copied it to the other sheets of paper.  After we picked up Shelby from school, she wanted to play Dr and I was the patient.  We started out at the toy room table where she was sitting behind her laptop.  She gave me the clipboard and told me to fill out the top sheet only.  She was typing while I was busy writing.  When I was done she took the clipboard and left the room.  She told me someone would be right with me.  She left the administrative role and returned the nurse and called me.  Nurse Morgan took me upstairs to my bedroom to the "examination room".  She had both doctors' kits with her and she did all the stuff the nurse was responsible for.  As the nurse left she said the doctor will be right with you.  Soon Dr. Morgan knocked on the door.  She came in a took my temp, checked my reflexes by killing my knees!, and gave me shots (maybe that was payback??).  Once the doc was finished, she resumed the administrative role to get my payment and finish paperwork.  She had a lot of fun with it and did it all again with her dad while Shelby and I were at BSF.  You'd make a great office worker, nurse or doctor Morgs!

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