Sunday, December 9, 2012

Annual Christmas Tree Decorating

My mom made the trip down this weekend to help the girls decorate the trees they have in their rooms.  As usual, there just isn't enough time in the weekend to get everything done that we want to.  They did get both trees done and Morgan helped my mom with some baking.  We quickly squeezed in a trip in the neighborhood to see some lights on Saturday night.  Morgan had a birthday party Friday evening.  After she got home from that, she helped my mom make carmel corn.
Friday was a late night and Saturday was an early morning.  Morgan had her first cheerleading practice with Upwards at 9am.  We came home and she got started decorating her tree.  This year my mom let them do it themselves with her assistance as needed.
 all finished
Part way through they took a break so we could take Shelby to her first Upwards basketball practice of the season.  After we came home, my little baker helped Nonny mix up Gingerbread Cookie dough.  Shelby went to a play date and we did a little shopping.  The girls cleaned up for bed while my mom was gone for a bit, then we checked out the Christmas lights.  Before bed they cut out and baked the cookies.
 a few of the finished product
ran out of time to decorate them so I get to do that
After church today, Morgan crashed and had a long nap.  Shelby decorated her tree.  My mom gets them a new ornament every year.  She found the perfect one for Shelby while we were out shopping.
she was pooped!
Thanks Nonny for making the long trip to keep the tradition going!

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