Sunday, May 26, 2013

Last Day of 3rd & 1st Grades!

The girls' last day of school was yesterday.  They both had great years and it's hard to believe how fast it went!  I caused them pain and requested a picture before we left for school.  I do like the backdrop my weeping cheery tree provides and I don't want to wear it out.  But it is the only place in our front yard to avoid the morning sun in the eyeballs.
When I picked them up they gave their teachers their thank you gifts and I got my end of the year picture.  Back to school night pictures on the left and last day pictures on the right.
 One of Morgan's favorite things was the Punctuation People.  Mrs. Crow had a book and she gave it to Morgan before we left.  She was so excited.  Here the people are on the bulletin board.
Meet Questioning Quinn, Exclamation Ella, Period Pete & Comma Claire
I picked one item each from the tons of papers they brought home that I thought were funny.  From Morgan:
Dear Mommy,
I would like a rabbit.  Reason one you don't have to give it water because they have a water bottle.  Reason two it is easy to clean its cage because they don't poop a lot.  I want a rabbit for a pet so bad.  Sincerely, Morgan
On the back of the paper she drew a picture of a rabbit in its cage complete with water bottle and a straw.
From Shelby:
At the top of the paper it said WISE PEOPLE (reflected through words and actions)
My mom is a very wise person.  My mom almost always goes shopping which is mostly for me.  She makes sure I do the right things.  She also loves me for who I am, and what I do.  She says, "You shouldn't waste your time in front of the TV every day."  That shows me that she knows that I should experience more important events in my life.  She stands on the blacktop after school, and makes sure I come to HER and not to a stranger.  Wisdom shows that someone knows a lot and makes good decisions.  My mom is almost like a princess!
Then she drew a princess like you would see on Mario and wrote next to it- Oh my goodness, these sleeves are almost too puffy!
Once again they are starting their summer break at grandmas house while Nate and I are in Oklahoma.  When we get home they both will be busy with theater and softball.  Hopefully some swimming lessons in between.  Congratulations to my new 4th & 2nd graders!  Now starts the long wait to see who next years teachers will be and who ends up in your class.  Ready, set, GO!

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