Friday, September 6, 2013

Roll Over. I'm Crowded

Just about every night, Morgan climbs into our bed.  Usually it is sometime after 2 or 3 AM.  Once in awhile, she will already be there when I come to bed.  And as she gets bigger and heavier, it is easier to be thankful for the king sized bed, scoot her over to make some room and try to go to sleep.  The other night I was sitting at my desk which sits in the room directly under hers.   It sounded like maybe she fell out of bed or at least was up and maybe using the bathroom.  Not much later, I headed up to my room.  I laughed out loud when I opened the door to this:
She couldn't have spread her arms and legs out any further if she tried.  Nothing like making yourself at home and taking over the whole bed.  This should give you a good idea of what it is like to share a bed with her.  Since I don't sleep real well to start with, I usually try to position myself with either my back to her or with my arm blocking my face from her elbows, hands or even feet.  You just never know what part of that wild body is going to jab you right where you don't want it!  Sleeping with this one is like snuggling with a porcupine.  And there are no sweet dreams.  Good night.

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