Monday, September 29, 2008

Comments from the Peanut Galleries

We often say it took Shelby a while to start talking but once she did she has never stopped! She has quite a vocabulary and knows for the most part how to use more difficult words (for a 4 yr old) in the right context and with the right expression. Thus the idea behind this posting.
- To really get a good laugh you should hear her on a pretend telephone call. I wish I could get that on video or recorded somehow. She is really good at the disgusted reaction when the person on the other end doesn't appear to hear correctly. The scary thing is listening to that gives you a pretty good idea of how you sound on the phone!
- Tonight before I went to Bible Study she came in from the backyard with some flowers she had plucked. She said they were for the wedding. What wedding? I asked. The wedding where I am marrying Carson (neighbor boy).
- Tonight after Bible Study I was trying to grab her to get her focused on bed. She was going on about something while running around and then when I grabbed her hand she said, "Wanna dance?". I thought Nate was going to choke. He said she is so quick with what she can come up with. I said ya she is quick with just about everything except what she should be doing. He was still chuckling about it 3o minutes later. Another reason for this post.
- One of her favorite things to say these days is, "Here's the deal". I always tell her I don't make deals with 4 year olds!
I could go on and on with this one but I must save some space for little sis. She like her sister is quite a talker. When she went along to Shelby's open house for preschool the teachers asked how old she was because she could talk better than some of the 3 year olds they get in class. It is fun to sit back and see what things she has picked up from Shelby.
- Shelby usually has to have tomorrow's clothes picked out before bed. Tonight after I put Morgan in bed she said she needed her gymnastics suit out for tomorrow.
- Picking up on Shelby's "Here's the deal", Morgan doesn't say that but this is exactly what she is doing. She says things like, "I eat pineapple and I go to bed". That is what she said tonight. Her deals always have to do with nap time or bedtime.
- Today when she and I came out of Sears you could smell restaurant food. She said, "What is that smell?" I said, "food". She says, "McDonald's food"? Why are their little minds just stuck on those golden arches?
- Last week she was sitting with Nate and a Steak N Shake commercial came on . She told him, "We go there in your car to get lunch".

Well I could go on and on but I want you readers to keep coming back for more so I will wrap this up. If only we could always have RECORD going to capture all this.

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