Sunday, May 24, 2009

Morgan's Medical Mess

I recently mentioned to Morgan's pediatrician my concerns about some possible allergies she may have to nuts and eggs based on how her body reacts when she eats them. I do not like walnuts or pecans, so we don't have them in our house too often. Nate's step mom makes these muffins with nuts and Morgan had tried them 2 times and had the same reaction. After only taking a small nibble, she will gag and vomit and her face turns blotchy. I hate to think about what would happen if she actually ate the entire muffin! If she has uncooked eggs from licking the beaters for a cake mix, her face will turn blotchy but she will not vomit. So at her 3 year well checkup she had blood drawn and her pediatrician set her up with a pediatric allergist. The results of her blood work were: egg yolks - mild, egg whites - medium, tree nuts - high. So the only kind of nut she can eat is peanuts. Even though she seems to be alright eating almonds, she could develop an allergy to any kind of tree nut or those other nuts could be made in the same area as the pecan or walnut so she should stay away from them. Her allergy isn't so bad that she can't be around the nuts, she just can't eat them. But, if someone eats them they should wash their hands before they touch her and should not kiss her right away. She can eat eggs as long as they are cooked. So eating the cooked cake or pancakes is fine, just no more licking the beaters. So on top of the nebulizer for the asthma, we are now carrying the epipen and benadryl. I said to her allergist, "So I guess I shouldn't consider downsizing my purse any time soon." And he said, "No. I think all moms should carry large purses." Fun stuff. I guess I should be thankful she doesn't have any more problems than she does.

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