Saturday, October 24, 2009

American Girls

Shelby had a day off of school on Friday, so Nate and I took the girls up to Chicago for our first trip to the American Girl store. I had been planning to take this trip since the spring. My original plan was to ride the train with my mom and sister. Time has just gotten away from us and I also couldn't decide if I was ready to try the train. When we had this free day I felt we should take the opportunity and go. The girls were excited once we got there. As we were approaching the city neither one of them seemed very excited to be there. Shelby felt since we had already been to Chicago, we didn't need to go back. I told her there was a lot of stuff to do in Chicago and the first time we went we only did 2 things. They were disappointed we were not going to spend the night in a hotel. With everything available to do, I truly believe they are just as content to spend a night at a hotel. We spent a couple hours in the store and then headed back to the car. On our way to the parking garage, we passed the pizza place Ginos East. That is where we ate on our first trip. We decided to stop there for early supper and let some of the traffic get out. I think we could have spent hours there and the traffic would have been just as bad. It probably took us 3.5 hours to get home. Someone told me driving would be faster than the train, but in this case I think the train would have been faster and less stressful! I took my camera and regret not getting any pictures in the store but the girls rarely stood still long enough for me to take one! Even though Shelby would have taken one of everything, she was ok with buying 2 things. She picked out a book and a miniature version of her doll Emily. Morgan had a gift certificate from her birthday she used to buy a bouncy seat for her Bitty Baby. She also got the mini doll like her Ruthie. Overall not a bad trip but I think if we had been staying over it would have been more enjoyable. Just seemed like a lot of time in the car for the 2 hours in the store! But who can afford it? With the Chicago over 10% sales tax, the parking and cost to eat, good grief. I did pick up some Christmas stuff but in reality, the shipping costs from the catalog can't be any worse than that sales tax. The only pictures I took where on the way home. Fun but exhausting time. Both girls told me at bedtime and the next morning how much fun they had.

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