Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sassy Sillies

Considering my two girls can be quite the characters, you may be stuck reading a lot of blog postings about their sassy and silly remarks. Here are a couple from Miss Shelby today.

We spent Father's Day in Greenville for a gathering with Nate's mom and family to celebrate his Grandpa Bud's recent 87th birthday. Shelby nor Morgan ate all their breakfast and I told them it'd be a long wait till lunch and I didn't want to hear at 10:00 they were hungry. Of course in the car on the way down they are starving. While I am eating lunch, Shelby comes in with her plate and says she is done. All she really had to eat was part of a hot dog and some chips. As she is heading back outside I said, "That is all you are going to eat? On the way down here you were starving". And her smart remark, "That was then and this is now" and out the door she went!

On Saturday we will go to Al and Jill's to celebrate Trey's birthday. So I am kind of holding that over them for good behavior this week. Shelby did something to Morgan on the stairs as they passed so I reminded her being good included being nice to her sister. She said, "She is just a brat". I said, "Since she learns everything from you, that must mean you are a brat". She replies with, "I've got nothing to say about that"! :)

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