Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall Feast

Today was Morgan's Preschool Fall Feast. They had a short program guaranteed to be a little silly with a bunch of 4&5 year olds! For whatever reason, through most of the program Morgan chewed on one finger while using her other hand to pick at the earring hole in her ear. Very talented. They sang some songs and banged on their drums. Then we had some treats that they made together. After our snacks, we made a craft together and then headed home.
I got a new camera so here is Morgan posing before leaving for school to try it out.

Nate, Morgan and I dined with Henry and Claire from next door. Claire and I discussed me watching the 2 boys next week when she has her 39 week pregnancy appointment. I told her who knows maybe she wouldn't even need the appt. Appears I was right. She is laying in the hospital right now working on the arrival of Miss Alice! Nothing better to celebrate thanks for at Thanksgiving than a sweet new baby!

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