Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shelby's Thanksgiving Program

Yesterday was Shelby's class Thanksgiving Program. Her part was the female Puritan Narrator. Her pal Evan was the male narrator. The two of them greeted us at the door to the gym handing out programs. I was surprised to see her there when I walked in the door. She hadn't mentioned that she would be doing that. I also had no idea she was a narrator in the performance. I hate to brag, but that was a big part and she did an impressive job! She's a great reader and that had to be one of the reasons she was chosen for the part. She had to follow along in the program as she and Evan alternated lines with each other as well as with the other classmates who acted out the play. They were: Puritan Men & Woman, Native American Men & Women, Corn & Turkeys. It was a very entertaining play. They all did a great job but again, I was very impressed with my girl! It was one of those things I wish I had on video. Nate's mom is always saying she needs to get involved in a theater for kids program. She would have enjoyed seeing this I think.
The Puritan Narrator handing out programs
Reading her part in An ABC Thanksgiving
Letter A
Letter B

Reading her lines in the play as Narrator

Didn't have to ask her twice to pose with her favorite guy, Quinton
With classmates & church friends Emily & Christopher (Evan on the end joined in)
With Miss Hoelscher
Miss H was sick during the day and came back to school just to do the program
It was a fun program. They did a very funny song called Leftovers. As you can imagine it included all the ways one can eat leftover turkey! Happy Thanksgiving all!

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