Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shelby's Christmas Concert

Last Monday Shelby had her school Christmas concert. This year they had it at Parkside Jr. High which was a much better choice than last year. They have bleachers so the guests who did not sit in the front row were actually able to see. That was good considering Shelby was on the floor again this year. Friends of ours from church who have a daughter in Shelby's class got there early and saved us great seats in the second row right across from where Shelby was standing. Once again it was a short and sweet concert with K, 1st & 2nd grade. The bleachers were full as the 3 grade levels include 10 different classes.

All prettied up & ready to go

Here is video of part of one of the songs they sang. My card space on my camera was full before the end of the song. Notice part way through when she reminds her classmate in the red sweater it isn't their turn to do the actions to the song.


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