Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some Snow Fun!

On our Christmas trip to Wisconsin we did a lot of sleigh riding. Like any other physical activity, it sure lets you know how old and out of shape you are! One quick run down the hill and then the slow walk back up. At least by the end of the second day we had beat a path down in the snow so it wasn't so difficult going back up carrying an inner tube. I have several pictures so I am not going to do a lot of typing but let the pics speak for themselves. Enjoy!

Shelby truly does not care to do all that hill climbing so she only went out for awhile the first day. We grabbed a group picture or two for grandma before she headed in.
Papa & Caleb
Papa didn't even go into the house when he got home from work. He headed straight for the fun!
Shelby having fun while she was out - even if it didn't last long!

Looks like a flyin' blast!
Morgan taking a break
Shelby & Caleb
Aunt Dana
Uncle Jeremy
Me and Ashley
(It's all about staying warm & having fun, not what you look like doing it!)
The girls got daddy new snow boots for Christmas. So he had no excuse this year to not go out. I think he actually had some fun once he got all his cold weather gear on!
Nate & Caleb
Jamie & his 2 boys

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