Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shelby Plays Basketball!

Shelby started Parks & Rec basketball in early January. Her team's called the Bucks and is made up of 1st grade boys and girls. There are 3 girls on her team. 1st grade teams practice and play their games at Oakdale which is Shelby's school. That means it is close to our house - nice. It is highly entertaining as they truly are letting them learn the basics like jump ball to start a game, chest pass or bounce pass to get the ball in from the sidelines, dribbling, etc. They do not call double dribble or traveling or fouls. I have only seen 1 free throw attempted in 4 games and some kids look like a football QB running all over carrying the ball while they look for an open teammate! Funny stuff. Maybe one of these days I will post a few of the videos I have taken. For you regular blog readers, you can return to that post any time you need a pick me up. It truly will make you laugh. She says she likes it and knowing her some of that is because her team is 4-0. She has 2 boys on her team who have shoot a lot of hoops in their short 6 or 7 years. They have a good shot and carry her team for the most part. I have found it is very hard to take good pictures of a basketball game and the ones I have are a little the blurry.
posing before leaving for the 1st game

she wanted a shot with her foot on the ball
and one sitting on the ball
getting instructions from the coach before the 1st game

it's intense!
(the boy on the bench is their best player)
on the move....
bringing the ball up the court
They are 1/2 way through the 8 weeks. No one practiced last week because of the snow storm but for the most part you can see some improvement in all the players. Shelby doesn't get a lot of time to practice besides on Tuesday with the team as I won't let her bounce the ball in the house. I saw too many things break growing up with just playing nerf basketball in the house! It's too cold in the garage these days too. Nate did take her to the new rec center at HCC one Sunday but he's been out of town the last 3 Sundays. She did say she likes basketball better than soccer but I wonder how much that has to do with the fact that her Aunt Ashley is a basketball coach who despises soccer!
Just for the record - the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl tonight! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's right she likes basketball better than soccer! That's my girl!!