Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dr., Dr., Dr., Dr. .... & finally an answer????

Last week I posted this about Morgan's headache issues:

Morgan first complained her head hurt the 3rd day of school.  1 week later when her head still hurt, I took her to visit the pediatrician.  He determined she probably is having migraines.  I kept track of her pain levels 3 times a day for 2 weeks and then we followed up with him.  He gave her some meds to help prevent the headaches.  On Monday, she had her first of 3 times a week visits with a chiropractor.  Due to the fact the girl has had so many falls in her 6 short years, I thought her headaches could be a result of a body out of alignment. The other possibility is a sinus infection.  Next week I am taking her to see her allergist that she hasn't seen since 2009.  He is going to do a full respiratory allergy test.  Hopefully one of these doctors can help her feel better!

Since that post, her headache was still hanging around and she started to complain about her eyes being fuzzy and I'd catch her shaking her head to clear them out.  So yesterday I took her to have her eyes rechecked.  She had that done at the end of July.  The eye doctor said she does not have a vision problem and the migraine is probably causing her eyes to be fuzzy.  This morning after she got out of the bathtub, she finally said her head was feeling good!  Today's doctor visit was with her allergist.  She was a true champ laying in torture with the respiratory test pricks on her back.
first picture I took soon after she was poked 3 times
second picture I took after the Antigens worked for awhile
The A Antigens are Molds and Dust.  B Antigens are Trees, Grasses, Weeds, and Corn.  C Antigens are animals.  I've had this test done.  Although the process has greatly improved (I was poked 26 individual times with thin glass tubes), the horrible, burning, itchy, want to scratch a hole in your back results have not changed!  I stood there and held her hands down for awhile so she wouldn't touch.  Then I took the pictures so she could see what was going on.  I read to her to distract her.  It was sad to see the silent tears run down her face and make a puddle on the table paper.  About 15 minutes later, the doctor came back to read the results.  I think 5 is the highest rating for tests.  He showed me her pecan allergy came back a 5 in 2009.  Under the A:  the molds was a 2 and house dust and dust mites a 2.  Under the B:  U. Weed, Ragweed and Corn Pollen a 2.  U. Tree a 3 - which explains her awful asthma and allergies in the spring.  Under the C:  Dog a 1, Cats a 4 (already knew this was a high level for her), horse a 1, and feathers a 2.
Unfortunately for her, the fun was not over when we left there.  In the spring at her 6 year well checkup, her pediatrician advised we revisit the allergist to see if she still has the tree nut & egg allergies detected in 2009.  So we went to the hospital to have blood drawn for those tests.  She's amazing as she doesn't even flinch when the needle goes in and she sat there and watch her blood run down the line into 3 different tubes.  I am pretty confident she still has the nut allergy since she ate one last Christmas.  He was also going to test her for a few more nuts besides the pecan and English walnut like before.  I am interested to see if the egg allergy has gone away, but am certain the girl will never eat an egg as an egg.
Finally, after all of this, I am comfortable with the diagnosis that the migraines are coming from her allergies and sinus pressure.  I have to start tracking the pollen levels and fight the allergies with some Zyrtec and hope that keeps the headaches away.  Thank God as I am about done with Dr. after Dr. after Dr. after Dr.  We still have to follow up with the pediatrician next week and for now is still seeing the chiropractor and will continue to for awhile yet.

1 comment: said...

Way to go Morgan! I am so very proud of you for being so brave! I had this skin test myself when I was a child and they put drops on your back! It really hurts!😓