Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Morgan's First Day of Gymnastics

Today was Morgan's first day of gymnastics. Here is a picture of the little miss in her suit. Let me tell you - worse than labor pains. I told Nate I would rather deliver another baby than do today again. First of all, Shelby. Let's just say she is having a hard time accepting the fact that little sis is going to participate in the same activity as her. She had issues from the time she got out of bed. She was going to look ugly in the clothes I picked out for her. And then Morgan put on her new leotard. And then when we got to gymnastics she found out Morgan's teacher is Miss Kelsi. Miss Kelsi was Shelby's teacher at the end of last year that she really liked. She was always impressed she could sing the theme song to ScoobyDoo since she too was a fan. And I guess she didn't believe me that she couldn't have a snack at gymnastics if she didn't eat her breakfast. So big time meltdown when I didn't have one for her. Thankfully Nonny Mary was here to take her outside for some fresh air. I have to participate with Morgan so Shelby is going to be waiting along the side by herself. And then Morgan. I don't know how old long it will be before she understands that gymnastics does involve some grace. She had no interest in the stretching. All she wanted to do was hang upside down by her knees at the bar and jump on the trampoline. Once she got to the trampoline her goal was to jump as high and hard as she could and then fall down. We couldn't get her to understand the whole idea is to stay on your feet. With her I wonder if we would be better off just skipping gymnastics and go straight to trampoline training! I guess I shouldn't have been surprised since lately her favorite thing to do is jump to the floor from the top of Shelby's bed or her toddler chair at the table which is as tall as a highchair seat. Hopefully things will get better as each week goes on.

1 comment:

Sarah W said...

Oh my goodness--Madeleine just had her first day of gymnastics too. I've been trying to find the time to blog our experience this week, but well, you know how that goes. (Guess I should be now.) Anyway, I got a kick out of your post!