Saturday, October 4, 2008

Disobedient But Honest

Today shortly after putting Morgan down for her nap, she started yelling about wanting her Bitty Baby's backpack with her clothes in it. I went up and told her she could have it after her nap. I am not a big fan of letting her have things with straps in her bed for choking reasons. When I went up to get her after the nap she had the backpack in her bed. I asked her how that got in there and she just kind of smiled. I immediately figured her big sister had something to do with it. It is amazing how sisters can help each other out to be naughty but are not always willing when you ask for them to help the other. I asked her if Shelby put that in the bed and she said No. Another amazing thing about Morgan. If I had been dealing with Shelby she would have blamed it on Morgan. After asking her again she admitted she put it in there. That means she climbed out of her crib, got the backpack and then climbed back in the crib. I was impressed by that considering the last time she climb out she made her way downstairs. This little one is quite something.

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