Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sillies by Shelby

A couple of Saturdays ago, I had a hair cut appointment. I had contacted Jenn (our old daily sitter) to watch the girls. She received a call from another mom for her to spend Friday night and Saturday at their house with her 2 boys. Shelby has played a time or 2 with the younger boy Nash at Jenn's parents' house in Gridley. But that has been a couple of years ago now so she didn't really remember him. Since this family lives in El Paso & that is where I get my haircut, I dropped the girls off there to play. As we pulled up to the house the boys were outside playing. This is the comment she had: "Are those the boys? I'm not going to marry either one of those guys". Why does it always have to be about marriage with her?!? Her next funny was after I came back to pick them up. They played for awhile longer and then Jenn asked the boys to start picking up the toys outside. Shelby had been tossing a tennis ball up in the air and hitting it with a baseball bat. She was doing a great job considering at Christmas time she couldn't hit the pinata with a stick. In her defense, she was standing too far away to actually reach it. After she hit the ball quite far, I told her she had to go pick it up and bring it back cause the boys were picking up. This is what she said walking back towards the van after picking up the ball, (As she drops the bat and ball on the ground) "Oooh booooys, you missed a spot". Jenn about choked it was too funny!

We like to play "store". I am the store owner as well as the cashier. Last week while playing she asked if I sold clothes for her baby. I told her the second floor of the store, first room at the top of the stairs on your left (directions to her room since that is where the doll clothes are). She comes back with about everything out of the drawers. While checking out all the clothes I commented about how lucky her baby was getting all those clothes. She says, "Yeah, I think my baby hit the jackpot".

Never a dull moment to say the least!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I told Hayley when she got home, and she thought it was hilarious too. You just never know whats coming out of that girls mouth!!