Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Joy

The girls were excited about Christmas Day but did not get out of bed until 8:30! Shelby was the first one to come downstairs. I was sitting at my computer which allowed me to see the Christmas tree and the gifts without Shelby knowing I was there. I silently watched her walk straight for one of the big gifts covered with a blanket. Just as she reached out to pull the blanket away, I surprised her by yelling, "step away"! She then walked over to the other covered gift and attempted to uncover it. Again, "step away"! Next she noticed the stockings had been filled. She tried to get into that. Then she wanted to open just one gift. I asked her if she thought it would be nice to wait for Morgan. She said there would still be enough gifts for her even if she opened just one. At this I suggested she go wake up her dad and sister. Then the fun began. Growing up in a family of 5 gift opening was always a little chaotic. I have them sit on the floor and then I give them each a gift to open. For the time being this seems to work. They were very thankful for each thing they got. Every time they opened a gift they would coming running at me with a hug, kiss and a big thank you! But we wouldn't be a family with 2 girls 2 years apart if there wasn't a little grumbling about who got this and who didn't get that! We had fun ......then it was time to open toy packages, install batteries, assemble Morgan's vanity, synch electronics with the computer, pack to get out of town and leave everything a mess. More on that in the next blog. Here are a few pictures from the morning.

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