Tuesday, July 20, 2010

14 Years and Counting!

July 20, 1996. Our wedding day. 14 years ago! Don't we look so young? That's because we were! Nate was 24 and I was 21. A few weeks shy of turning 22. It was a hot summer day in a church in Platteville, WI with no air conditioning. At least it was an early evening wedding at 5 (I think). Our dinner reception was held at UW-Platteville in one of their banquet rooms. We took a nice honeymoon to Puerto Rico. Maybe we can return there next year to celebrate #15! How did we celebrate 14? Brace yourself, it's exciting! Morgan is spending the week at my parents. So we took Shelby to see Despicable Me and then Nate went to work. Shelby was supposed to have her ribbon night at T-ball and then my neighbor kindly offered to take her home so we could go out for dinner. Shelby didn't feel good all morning. Her stomach was hurting and she was leaving nasty stuff in the potty! :( We came home after the movie and she started a small fever. So we missed T-ball and the dinner out. We went to Family Video and Taco Bell and had dinner in. Shelby headed to bed and Nate and I watched Bounty Hunter (at least I did, he fell asleep). Folks, it doesn't get more exciting then that. I guess making it to 14 years will have to be exciting enough!

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