Friday, October 29, 2010

4 In 3

Continuing the theme of Morgan and her injuries, I thought I would post about the first 1/2 of this week. If you haven't figured it out already, this should give you a true understanding of our Morgan. 4 in 3 means, 4 injuries in 3 days. After reading my last post, Nate said that isn't even the 1/2 of it. Let's start with Monday. When Shelby and I went to BSF, I sent Nate and Morgan to return an unneeded Halloween costume. She was wearing the Minnie Mouse dress up dress and ears and he requested she change before they go. (He just wasn't in the holiday mood I guess). He said as she was going upstairs to change she started to take the dress off. She tipped herself over backwards while taking the dress over her head. She went down a few stairs. On Tuesday, I was gone for BSF and the girls were having fun with the remote control Barbie Jeep. Somehow during this activity she bit her lip in a couple of places making it bleed. Later that evening at bedtime was the accident recorded in my last entry. Wednesday made 4. Her final injury of the week was at AWANAS. While running during game time she tripped and fell and hit her eye on the leg of a table. She was left with a small bruise and lump. Here's to hoping she's had her fill for a while. I know I have.

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