Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Soccer Wrap Up

Shelby wrapped up her fall soccer season a few weeks ago. I think she enjoyed it and plans to continue playing in the spring when competition starts again. She will be on the same team as this fall. It was fun to see her old preschool friend Isabelle on the opposing team of one of the last games. I enjoyed catching up with her mom as well. Here are a few pics. I found it hard to get good pictures. It seemed like she spent more time at the opposite end of the field then where I sat each game.

Shelby and Isabelle did not get to play against each other. They either sat out at opposite times or played on opposite fields. So this is the best I got of Isabelle. But it clearly shows her personality!
So we will put away the PCSL uniforms and the ball & shoes, and wait for spring. And then we will see if she is interested in continuing with soccer.

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