Monday, February 13, 2012

January's Journal

Each month, Shelby works in a daily journal.  I like reading the stuff she writes in it.  The journal includes worksheets with math facts, sentence correcting, poems and blank sheets to do their writing.  I thought I would blog about a few of the funny ones from January.

It is a new year.  It is January 2012.  Some people make New Year's resolutions.  A New Year's resolution is something a person is going to do the whole year.  My New Year's resolution is to get along with my sister more.  By playing nicer with her, and playing what she (underlined 3 times) wants to play!

If I could change something about myself it would be nothing.  I think I am perfect just the way I am!  I can be a little bit crazy, but I like that!  I also like everything I do!  But there's one more thing I like about me.  I like baseball!  I want to win a trophy for a national baseball game.  I want to win the game because my dad is depending on me.  He also likes baseball.

I like to help my parents by obeying.  My dad goes to work a lot, so that leaves us with our Mom.  My sister and I can't go a single day without our mom yelling!  I hope we can survive!

These are my top 3 favorites.  I have more than once reminded her of her New Year's Resolution.  As a mom I was happy to read that she likes herself because most days I wouldn't say she felt that way.  And finally, I hope the mom can survive too!

1 comment:

kimberly said...

Ha! "I hope we can survive!" LOL, that girl...