Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Morgan's Field Trip to the Museum

I joined Morgan and the 3 Kindergarten classes from Oakdale on their field trip to the Children's Discovery Museum in downtown Normal or uptown depending on where you are from.  Our 3 classes shared the museum with about 50 other schools.  I heard they were at their limit that day.  Fortunately I successfully went in with 4 children and came out with 4.  They were so excited to ride the school bus, even if it was just a  5 to 10 minutes ride.  I didn't take a camera so I took a few pics on my phone.  They are not the best but will have to do.
Morgan had fun with the crutches
she really could have used them with the sprained ankle
window painting
Mrs. Fitzgerald gave me Morgan & the A's
Morgan, Amani, Alex & Ali
They had fun (even though Morgan always looks like she is in pain in her pictures) and were disappointed when it was time to head back to school.  Morgan was mad that Shelby got to go out of town on her field trip but I told her to be happy because Shelby didn't get a field trip when she was in kindergarten.

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