Monday, August 20, 2012

WI Trip - Madison Zoo

On Saturday, August 11th, we headed to Madison to take Uncle Luke out for his birthday.  What else would a guy turning 34 want to do on his birthday?  Go to the zoo of course!  That is his payback for ruining my 6th birthday!  :)  Because he was born 4 days before my birthday, my mom was not home that year.  JK Luke!
Queen Au Contraire came along to the zoo so she is not in some of the pictures or very pleasant in others.
 the monkey wanted to start in the monkey house
this guy was looking at some kid thru the glass like he'd make a nice snack
check out that tongue
 thanks for posing
much more cooperative than Morgan!
my favorites
especially when they are not inside a smelly house!
Luke works nights, so he needed to be home in the afternoon to sleep.  We took a break from the zoo and took him to lunch at Red Lobster.  We snapped a few pictures on our way out.  Luke bribed Morgan with games on his phone if she got in the pictures.
 cooperation is going
cooperation is gone
After lunch we returned and finished our visit.
BIG Kitty
I had a hard time getting the camera to not focus on the fences
Shelby was disappointed the zoo didn't have zebras
at least she got to ride on one
 When we first walked by the polar bear exhibit, we were disappointed to see that it was empty.  Luckily we had to go back by there on our way out so we could see this....
 The last time we were at this zoo, Shelby was either 2 or 3.  I need to check a few old pictures to decide & compare.  She had her picture taken in this polar bear and sitting on that turtle from a few pictures above.  I'll have to scan those and do a comparison shot.
We had a beautiful day despite the ugly attitude of little miss who was asleep within minutes of leaving the zoo.  Happy Birthday Uncle Luke!  Thanks for spending your day with us!

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