Friday, January 30, 2009

Advice for the Coach

I have had several things running through my mind that I could share on this BLOG (don't worry it's not more poop). :) But real quick before I take Shelby to school I wanted to post a funny. As Nate was leaving this morning she said to him, "Bye daddy. Remember, if you don't land it, keep on swinging it". He asked her where she heard that. She said from her baseball movie (Everyone's Hero). A little piece of advice for the baseball coach. It's important to keep learning new things you know. After Nate was gone she went to the drawer and pulled out an index card and pen. As she pretended like she was writing she said out loud, "Dear players. If you don't land it, keep on swinging it. From Shelby". And it's amazing how the ideas spread. Next thing you know here comes Morgs out of the toy room with a baseball that she throws across the kitchen floor!