Friday, July 11, 2008

The Truth Comes Out

Yesterday for lunch I cooked hot dogs on the grill & we had some chips or as Morgan calls them ips. If we ate all our hotdog we could have a frozen Strawberry treat in a bowl that I found at Sam's Club. Morgan ate some of her ips but was not interested in the hot dog. Of course she wanted the Strawberry treat especially since mom and sister were eating theirs. I kept telling her she could have one after she ate the hot dog. She tried to get her sister to eat it and even me. I finally decided to warm it up in the microwave and let her sit in the toy room and watch a movie hoping if I left her alone she would eat it. It wasn't long and both of them came running out saying she ate her hotdog! I don't know if it was mental exhaustion or the heat, but I didn't question it at the time. Morgan finally gets her Strawberry treat and after a big mess it is naptime. After reading to and rocking Morgan I put her in bed. Once she is in she says, "Baby ate hotdog." (Baby is what she calls Shelby). So it becomes clear to me that Morgan didn't eat her hotdog, her sister did. When Shelby wakes up from her nap I say to her, "I have a question for you and I want the truth. Who ate the hotdog?" I could tell by the look on her face before she said anything what the answer was. Finally she says, "Morgan ate one and I ate the rest". If they are already pulling tricks like this at 2 & 4 I can only imagine the things I need to be watching for as they get older!


kimberly said...

You are in for it, Sarah! At least they work well together. ;)

Ttime said...

HAHA! Yes, you are gonna have some stories to tell. I love hearing about this stuff. Keep 'em coming! And I agree with Kim - better for them to work for each other rather than against each other.

jill said...

Jodi used to eat my meatloat after basketball practice when I didn't feel like eating, but knew I couldn't leave the table until it was gone. Morgs is SOOOOOOO lucky; Shelby knows how to take one for the team:)